Hey guys my name is Rose,

I have brown hair, with Blue eyes…. I smile all the time, and Laugh too hard. I am VERY impatient. I am talented with a hula hoop. And I’m intelligent.

When I grow up I want to be……Well I haven’t really figured that out yet, I’m only a teenager FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!!

I like Mythical creatures, Anime/Manga, Pizza, Youtube, Cat….all animals, video games, and making new friends.

My favorite Anime/Manga are:

High school debut, Sailor moon, Hamtaro, Pokemon, School rumble, Shuffle, Kiki's delivery service, Inu Yasha, and Yu-Gi-Oh.

My Favorite Movies are:

The Mummy series, The Princess Bride, Ella enchanted, and Austin Powers Series.

My favorite Bands/Singers are:

Black eyed peas, Ke$ha, Abba, Dixie chicks, Owl City, Lady Gaga, Weird Al, Katy Perry, NeverShoutNever, and Taylor Swift.

 "The Door is everything!

All that once was and all that will be!

The Door controls Time and Space!

Love and Death!

The Door can see into your mind!

The Door can see into your SOUL!"

- Pink and Purple unicorns (charlie the Unicorn 3)

"Oh Squiggly Line in My Eye Fluid

I see you there,

Lurking on the periphery of my vision

But when I try to look at you,

You scurry away!

Are you shy, squiggly line?

Why only when I ignore you

Do you return to the center of my eye?

Oh, squiggly line,

It's all right

You are forgiven!" -Stewie (Family Guy)
